It is incredibly important to us that BookNet Fest is a safe place for all attendees and participants.

It is our goal to provide a respectful and enjoyable event and we will act in those interests according to this Code of Conduct. BookNet Fest is a private event and as such, we reserve the right to remove people who disrespect or endanger others from the event, to disallow them from participating for the duration of the event, and to ban attendees who do not comply with the Code of Conduct from future BookNet Fest events. It all boils down to this: we ask you all to be respectful and use your best judgement so that everyone might enjoy their time at BookNet Fest.


All BookNet Fest attendees and guests are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct. The BookNet Fest badge, which is required for admittance to all BookNet Fest activities, is a revocable license. BookNet Fest may revoke this license for noncompliance with these terms or for disorderly conduct.


At BookNet Fest, we believe that creators, audiences, and contributors across platforms all form an integral part of the book community online. Our entire mission to bring everyone together without the divisions that keep certain areas of the community away from others. That said, we ask that you be respectful of creators you may be excited to see as they move around the event. We are a small event, and still we remind you all that there is no need for running or crowding in or outside of the meeting rooms. Be mindful of each other’s time and personal space, and of people taking breaks and/or tending to their physical and mental health.


Disorderly conduct includes but is not limited to any behavior that is illegal, unsafe, disruptive, discriminatory or causes excessive discomfort to our attendees. If you do not have permission to touch someone, do not touch them. If someone doesn’t want to or doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you, please do not continue to talk to them. If someone needs to get somewhere, please do not follow them unless you have permission to do so. We will have zero tolerance for any speech that is discriminatory or derogatory. We will have zero tolerance for any behavior that is verbally or physically intimidating. Be careful of one another, please.


We ask you to be respectful of all hotel and event staff. As an attendee, you represent not only our event but our community to the hotel and event staff and our expectations of respectfulness extend to them as well.

There will be volunteers helping throughout the event and they will be identified as such. Please listen to all instructions provided by the volunteers as they are acting on behalf of BookNet Fest.


Alcohol, drugs, weapons, and items that can be mistaken as weapons are expressly prohibited, even if they are part of a costume.

Any prizes or ARCs acquired through the event are NOT for resale. Please respect our sponsors. Any attendees found to put ARCs for sale after the event will be banned from attending any further events from BookNet Fest.


BookNet Fest may be recorded or reproduced by BookNet Fest and/or attending participants. By registering to be in attendance at BookNet Fest, you hereby authorize BookNet Fest, its designees, and/or attending participants to record, transcribe, modify, reproduce, perform, display, transmit and distribute in any form and for any purpose any such recordings of BookNet Fest. By registering for BookNet Fest you hereby release BookNet Fest and/or its attending participants from any and all claims it or its organizers may possess, now or in the future, in connection with such activities.


All minors under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Parents or adult supervisors of minors are responsible for the actions of minors they are supervising.


You assume any and all risks occurring before, during, or after BookNet Fest. You release BookNet Fest and Caribe Royale and their agents and respective affiliates and representatives from any related claims.