Will there be an event in 2024?

Yes! BookNet Fest 2024 will be in Orlando, FL from May 24-25th at the Drury Plaza Hotel. Speakers and programming are all forthcoming. The best ways to keep informed are to check our website, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Twitter.

Do I need anything to attend the event in 2024? 

Yes, BookNet Fest is a ticketed event. A two-day ticket will be $50.00 and includes access to all of our programming. Registration is now open.

Do I have to register for anything during the event? 

Some of the events and workshops may require an RSVP. Consider signing up for our newsletter, as we will be sending out information about workshops, meetups, and anything else that may need an RSVP.

Do I have to have a platform of some kind in order to attend? 

No. BookNet Fest is open to creators, readers, writers, and authors alike. No platform is required to attend. We welcome all story-lovers!

Will there be T-shirts available this year? 

Exclusive event-only t-shirts will be sold at BookNet Fest 2024. If you are interested in shirts, mugs, and totes inspired by our 2023 event, check out our Tee Spring.

Can I be a volunteer/vendor/sponsor/panelist in 2023?

Sponsors and Vendors help make Booknet Fest happen. If you’re interested in sponsorship or being a vendor at our event, please reach out to us via email: team@booknetfest.com.

Volunteers are super important to Booknet Fest, as our entire event is run by volunteers. Volunteer registration for next year will start a month before the event.

If you are interested in being a Panelist, please fill out this form.

What if I experience harassment at the event? 

Please reference our Code of Conduct. BookNet Fest will not tolerate harassment of any kind. The safety and security of our participants is a priority, and we reserve the right to remove any attendee and prevent them from attending future events.

What are your COVID-19 protocols?

In 2023, attendees were required to wear face coverings at all panels, workshops, meet-ups, and gatherings. We will keep all attendees informed of our protocols, particularly as the 2024 event draws nearer. We will also update our COVID-19 Health and Safety Page.

Have a question that wasn’t answered here?

Please email us at team@booknetfest.com.