Panel: What Do I Read Next?

Panel: What Do I Read Next?

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Moving in bookish spaces means constantly being surrounded with new books and reasons to read them. We thought it would be fun to gather a bunch of guests and ask them how they make choices about what they read. In this panel, we cover what our personal TBRs look like, how the community influences what we read, and how our own content influences what we read.

Thank you to our panel sponsors, Little Bee Books and Owlcrate. This episode was edited and transcribed by Marines and the music is by Stefan Chin.


Kathy Trithardt hails from the west coast of Canada, where she used to get paid to shelve books until the pandemic. She fills her time talking about books online over YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and as a guest of a few podcasts – when she’s not reading, that is. She’s also looking forward to being able to travel the world again, because she likes doing basically the exact same thing where ever she explores.

Rincey Abraham has been talking about books on the Internet since 2012 when she started her booktube channel, Rincey Reads. Over the past 8 years, her channel has gained more than 26,000 followers. She also is a contributing editor at Book Riot, making videos for their YouTube channel and she co-hosts the Book Riot podcast Read or Dead, which is all about the world of mysteries and thrillers.

An inspiring Actress, Writer, Illustrator and book lover. I want to actively engage in diverse stories and create the stories that I’ve always had inside.